Panther Risako, Blade Uehara, others Defect from World Woman Pro-Wrestling

Posted January 11, 1992

TOKYO, Japan -- A bombshell in the world of women's pro-wrestling was dropped in Japan, as headline stars Panther Risako and Blade Uehara, in addition to three undercard wrestlers and three trainees publicly announced their resignations from Japan's #1 women's organization, World Woman Pro-Wrestling. Risako and Uehara, formally Japan's most popular tag team both cited financial differences with WWPW, saying that the company was not paying them a deserving salary. When asked on their future, Risako revealed that she would be forming a new organization with Shizuka Yajima and Mimi Yoshihara called “New Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling.” However, what was most curious was the omition of Blade Uehara, who said that she would not be following Risako and the others. Instead, Uehara announced that SHE TOO would be forming her own organization in the coming months. Risako said that she was sad by Uehara's decision, but said she understood it perfectly. The two shook hands in front of the cameras, promising to one day reunite!

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