Blade Uehara

Name: Blade Uehara
Nickname: "Aerial Assault Artist"
Hometown: Okinawa, Japan
Birthday: December 31, 1971
Height: 167cm
Measurements: 82/57/82
Proficiency: High Flying

Title History:
- None

Tournament History:
- None

Trademark Moves:
- Frankensteiner
- Dragon Suplex hold
- La Majistral

Biography: Uehara was trained in the World Woman Pro-Wrestling dojo system, before debuting at the age of 17, alongside Panther Risako. The two became generation rivals, and eventually tag team partners. Just as the two were becoming streamline stars in the promotion, the two announced their resignations. Both opted to open their own organization. Former tag partners now find themselves at odds once again.

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